
Sunday 6 January 2019

DAY 3: Taking Flight

Activity 1: Bird of the Year! [4 points]

My choice that I chose is Banded Dotterel or known as Pohowera in Maori. Here is a little bit about it that I learnt. You can see this small plover along New Zealand. On seashores, estuaries and riverbeds. It has a chestnut breast band, it will often run, then stop, then peck. Amazing right!

Banded Dotterel (Pohowera)
This bird is in serious trouble! Vote so it can be the bird of the year for 2019!
All credits go to

Activity 2: Flying Foxes [4 points]

If I had superpowers I would want it to be to Super Speed because if there was a tsunami I would quickly get everyone to the mountains if it would be possible to do everyone but the main people are my family.

Activity 3: Wind Beneath My Wings [10 points]

Did you know that eagles can fly? I think you do but I have some interesting facts to share with you.

Thanks to the Summer Learning Journey Team Members!


  1. Hey Tufui,

    It's Araura, in answer to your question yes I did know eagles can fly. I had know idea that there are69 types of eagles, That's Amazing.

    I had know idea Eagles are the largest birds.

    Anyway keep up the amazing work.


  2. Hey Tufui,

    First of all, awesome work on attributing your photos. That is incredible work, well done.

    What a beautiful bird you have chosen for activity 1. The Banded Dotrell is a bird you do not see often. I have been lucky enough to come across it a few times while I have been at the beach. They often lay their eggs in the sand dunes above the beach but sometimes they lay them in the middle of the beach. As these birds are protected, the Department of Conservation (DOC) put barriers around the egg to protect it from being stomped on by humans. They sometimes have someone guarding the egg to protect it from being eaten by predators such as dogs, cats, and rats. Isn't that interesting?

    Activity 2:
    Super speed would be an incredible super power. It is so kind of you to think about a superpower that you could use to save people. I had originally thought of having a super power that allows me to breath under water to explore the ocean, however, I now feel a little selfish for thinking so. I have changed my mind. I also want super speed so that I can save people from disasters.

    Activity 3:
    You have put together a great DLO of the beautiful eagle. They are the most amazing creature who have incredible eyesight. They can be flying hundreds of metres i the air and see a mouse slightly move and zoom down to catch it. Have you ever watched the 'Eagle Hunter'?. It is the most amazing movie of a Mongolian girl who becomes the first woman eagle hunter. She learns how to capture an eagle and it soon becomes her pet. It really is beautiful. Maybe this can be a movie to put onto your list of must watches.

    Awesome work on another 3 activities, Tufui.

    Kindest regards,
    Megan :)

    1. Ki ora Megan,

      For activity 1 yes it actually is interesting to have someone protect the eggs from predators such as dogs, cats and rats.

      Lastly for activity 3 No I have not watched Eagle Hunter.

      Kindest regards,
      Tufui :)


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