
Wednesday 16 January 2019

DAY 3: Taking Action

Activity 1: Predator Free 2050 – A Call to Arms [4 points]

On your blog, tell us which one of the videos you liked the best and why.

I have chosen Zero Invasive Predators (ZIP).

I chose Zero Invasive Predators because they protect our native animals and environment. They also find ways to find out what the kiwi was doing so they could rescue the eggs and chicks before they got eaten. They are lean and they learn fast.

Activity 2: Protecting the Most Vulnerable - Fact or Fiction? [4 points]

On your blog, post three facts that you learned about the Māui Dolphin. Then, using your imagination, create three more statements about Māui dolphins that are not true (i.e. false). Please don’t tell us which of your statements about Māui Dolphins are true and which are false. It will be the job of the students and staff who read your blog to figure it out.

These are the three facts I have learnt.

1. I learnt that the Maui and Hector's dolphins use short, high frequency clicks to communicate but, the human can't hear them only the dolphins can!

2. Females grow to 1.7 m long and they also weigh up to 50 kg but Males are slightly smaller and lighter.

3. Maui dolphins are the smallest of the world's 32 dolphins species.
These are true and false facts. Which one is true or false? Here is a hint two of them are false!
  • Males grow to 1.9 m long and weigh up to 65 kg
  • Maui dolphins are mammals
  • Maui dolphins are at the edge of extinction
  • Maui dolphins get eaten by other dolphins

Activity 3: The Power of Ten [10 points]

On your blog, list 10 species (animals or plants) that you would protect from extinction. For each one, give a reason as to why you think it is important to protect.

1. Elephant - They are getting killed for their tusks.

2. Rhinoceros - They are getting killed for their horns. 

3. Leopard - Leopards are starting to be endangered because they loose their habitat and food source. 

4. Sea turtles - They eat plastics in the ocean and eventually they die. 

5. Calla Lily - They show bright colours and they are so unique 

6. Tigers - Sometimes I think they get killed for their fur. 

7. Pandas - Deforestation happened and their baboons are getting cut down which is their food source. 

8. Maui Dolphins - They are New Zealand dolphins 

9. Lions - They lost their habitat and sometimes their predators kill them. 

10. Kiwi - Because there are less of them also a kiwi is a New Zealand animal. 

Thanks to the Summer Learning Journey Team Members!


  1. Hi there, my name is Luseane as you may know. Wow i really like how you put 3 activity's in 1 post. I really like how you have a lot of detail your work is amazing keep it up. This reminded me of when i did this. Maybe next time you could add pictures, but wow your work is amazing. If you would like, my blog is
    Thanks For Reading

    Blog You Later

  2. Good morning Tufui,

    You are obviously fimiliar with me. But My name is Araura.

    First of all congratulations on your amazing post.

    I love how you added all activities into one post.

    I see you have been working extremely hard.

    I wish that you could have added a few pictures.

    I love the selection of animals you chose. For me I would save the Sea Turtles because I love Turtles.

    Anyways keep up the good work.

    Blog you later Bye 😀

  3. Kia ora Tufui,

    Thank you so much for choosing the Zero Invasive Predators as your choice of project as it encouraged me to learn about what they do. You are absolutely right. Al Bramely is an engineer by trade who was shocked to hear that predators are slowly eradicating our native bird, the kiwi. He has worked out a way to get rid of all predators in a section on the mainland of New Zealand and is planning to set up a line of traps to stop predators from invading in that protected.

    I was astonished that 70,000 birds, chicks, and eggs are eaten every night in New Zealand. That was fascinating and something needs to be done. The Zero Invasive Predatrs sounds like an incredible project that will achieve this goal of ZERO predators in New Zealand. That would be absolutely incredible.

    Activity 2:
    I have a feeling that your fact 'Maui dolphins get eaten by other dolphins' might be false. Haha I hope I am right in guessing that.

    Here are my guesses for your facts:
    Males grow to 1.9 m long and weigh up to 65 kg - FALSE
    Maui dolphins are mammals - TRUE
    Maui dolphins are at the edge of extinction - TRUE
    Maui dolphins get eaten by other dolphins - FALSE

    How did I go?

    Activity 3:
    I really like the 10 animals that you chose as your animals to save from becoming endangered. I forgot about Panda's when I was thinking of my list. Yes, I would like to add Panda's to my list as well. You are absolutely right, their bamboo is at risk due to the rising air temperatures. I read that they will have to look at moving bamboo to higher areas around China so that they climate is cooler.

    Well done on completing three great activities. I love that you have included funny facts as you go.

    I hope you are enjoying your holidays,
    Megan :)

    1. Hola Magan,

      It is sad to hear that 70,000 chicks and eggs are being eaten every night in New Zealand. I wonder if the Kiwi gets extinct will New Zealand have another animal for our country or just keep it the same.

      For activity 2 you are got that on fire because you got it all right. WOW! You did awesome!

      Lastly for activity 3 it is sad that the pandas are getting endangered. I hope by now they have found a save and cooler habitat to live in.

      Adios Megan:)


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