
Thursday 27 December 2018

DAY 5: Blink and You’ll Miss It

Activity 1: Towering Timbers [4 points]

On your blog tell us whether you think logging should be allowed in New Zealand. Be sure to provide at least two reasons to support your argument.

Should logging be allowed in New Zealand? No and I will explain why. In my first reason I don't like logging because back in the days there were a lot of trees and forests. But now there isn't that much trees and forest in New Zealand because people are cutting them down. My second reason about logging is that once people chop off trees then there will be no more trees to release good oxygen for us to breath in. 

Activity 2: Living on the Edge [4 points]

On your blog, write a letter to your best friend or a family member telling them about your trip to the tundra. To earn full points your letter must have a greeting (eg. Dear…) followed by 5 – 6 sentences of information about what your experience.
Dear Luseane Malakai, (
Guess what Luseane? I went to the Tundra for a trip and it was a boost.
It was really fun and exciting because I got to do sorts of things like trying out their foods.
I learnt that there are three tundra biome animals named Arctic Fox, Arctic Hare, Lemming and more.
Also another interesting fact about tundra is about their plants. Plants that grow in the tundra include grasses, shrubs, herbs, and lichens. They grow in groups and stay low to the ground to stay protected from the icy winds. They tend to have shallow roots and flower quickly during the short summer months. Maybe one day you should go out for an trip!

Activity 3: Going, going….gone [10 points]

On your blog, post a description of life in New Zealand in 2018. Please remember that the people who read your post will have never been to New Zealand or even seen a picture so it is your job to ‘paint a picture’ of New Zealand using your words. You can also post pictures, if you wish. Be sure to fully attribute the pictures.
In 2018 my life in New Zealand was awesome. New Zealand is the place where you want to go to spend time with your families. If you were up on the mountains looking down then you can see that New Zealand has a lot of nice views. Lastly New Zealand doesn't really have any dangerous animals. Like snakes.
Image result for new zealand sky tower


  1. Great job bestie thanks for writing a letter to me love your work.

  2. Kia Orana Tufui,

    I can tell you’ve been thinking hard about the subject of logging. You have provided two reasons for thinking logging should not be allowed, ka pai. You are right, trees do provide oxygen that help living things thrive.

    I think your letter to Luseane is very informative! I can tell you did a bit of your own research and I am glad you tried hard to write the information you found in your own words. Please continue to be mindful about removing only one word, information still needs to be in your own words.

    You have written a brief description about our country Aotearoa. It would be great if you included the place names of these mountains and scenic view locations along with some pictures. Remember that we are painting a picture of our country for people that have never seen or been here.

    I love all the cultural diversity (different cultures) we have here in Aotearoa, there are so many events that happen every year to celebrate diversity. The Pasifika Festival is one event I love to go to, it makes me proud to see all our Tagata Pasifika being celebrated in a big way. It is held annually at Western Springs Park here in Tāmaki Makaurau. Have you been to Pasifika before?

    Keep up the good work Tufui.

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i,



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